A Buddhist Approach to Recovery
What is Recovery Dharma?
Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery from addictions of all kinds based on Buddhist principles. Our program is peer-led and non-theistic. We welcome all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community.
The kind of Buddhism we practice is called “secular Buddhism”; having a higher power is not a necessary part of the path. In Recovery Dharma, you don’t have to use Buddhism to become a better Buddhist, you can use it to become a better whatever you already are.
Recovery Dharma welcomes anyone who is looking to heal from addiction and addictive behavior, whether it’s caused by substance use or by process addictions like codependency, sex, gambling, eating disorders, relationships, technology, or any obsessive or habitual pattern that creates suffering. We believe that recovery means empowerment and we support each other as partners walking the path of recovery together. Join us to practice at one of our weekly meetings along the Front Range or online from wherever you are located.
Find meetings to connect with people in the Recovery Dharma community.
Find events to connect with people in the Recovery Dharma Community.
An introduction and guide to the Recovery Dharma Program.
Get Involved
A collection of ideas and resources for those who want to engage in the practice of meeting with wise friends and mentors.
Contribute to Our Cause
“Dana” (or “generosity”) is a pillar of Buddhist practice. We use donations to help support the local community through outreach, activities, retreats, and workshops, as well as the operation of our website.
If you have the means to do so, we invite you to support us in getting our message out to those who are still suffering by donating today.
Please donate via Venmo to @RecoveryDharmaDenver.
We appreciate your generosity!